Pet Testimonials

”A few years ago, I was trying to choose between 3 Pekingese puppies I found online. I only had one picture of each. Karla read all of the puppies for me, and I ended up getting “Winston”.  Karla was incredibly accurate about his personality, habits, what he would do.  For example, Karla told me Winston would love to be outdoors and would not be a “lap dog”.  I thought Pekes were supposed to be lap dogs; well, he DOES NOT sit in my lap.  Sitting beside me is the best it gets.  She said he would be an awesome dog with an incredible personality, and true to her word, everyone falls in love with him!  Karla said he would like to lie on his tummy like a toad and look out the big den doors at the back yard.  He does, indeed, do this, and Karla has never seen my house and doesn’t know the layout is just like he described to her!”

– Rosalinda C. Roberts, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Birmingham, AL

“Karla has been reading all my animals for me for over 5 years now and I have come to depend on her for truly accurate information.  One of my yellow labs chased a neighborhood dog into the street in front of our house and my dog got sideswiped by a car.  He got up and ran inside the house and nothing major appeared to be wrong, but he just wasn’t acting himself.  I called Karla and sure enough she saw that there was some internal damage, bleeding, and she advised me to take him to the vet immediately, which I did, thankfully, and also as she predicted, he took a turn for the worse through the night, which was why it was so important for me to have him at the vet so they could monitor him overnight.  I am so grateful to Karla for her insight and incredibly accurate reading skills, because without her I would probably not have him here with us today.

Karla has also been reading and giving long-distance healings to my horses, in particular one of my top show jumpers, helping us to achieve our goals in competition, and helping find alignment both mentally and physically by communicating directly with them and listening to my horses communication from their perspective which has been of great benefit in knowing what they need and how to best work with in all aspects, in the show ring, and in training and what most they need to keep in tip-top shape.”

LC, Westchester County, NY

“I have known Karla for many years and have received several helpful and comforting readings about the people in my life, my kitties and my mouse.  First of all, it was really hard having cats and a mouse!  Karla helped by communicating with the cats and making it more clear how they could all coexist peacefully, but what was most rewarding was being able to communicate with my mouse, Penelope, through Karla and hear what she had to say back to me.  I found Penelope when she was just a day old and had hand-raised her.  It was such a special bond.  She even had her very own Facebook page!  I wanted to ask her if she might be lonely and if she was happy.  This first sweet session of communication with Penelope through Karla made me feel so much closer to her, and like I was a good mother to her.  A mouse has a life-span of about 3 years, and, when it came close to that time, it comforted me immensely to be able to communicate with her through Karla and share emotions around letting go.  It helped me understand how to better take care of her and give her what she needed as she made her transition.  It also helped heal my heart and feel at peace.  I am very grateful for Karla and her ability.”

– Heather Shoopman, Los Angeles, CA

“I asked Karla to read and give a healing to my beta fish, Lord Vega, because he stopped eating for 14 days and his belly became very bloated.  I did research on the Internet and found a condition that described what was going on with him perfectly.  It was described as a bacterial infection and the article said that most beta fish with this condition do not survive.  I had some antibiotics and I started putting them in the water for 5-6 days straight, but he was not getting any better.  Then, I had Karla do a reading and a healing on him and the next day he started eating again and made a full recovery.  He is now a happy beta fish.  It was a pretty amazing experience.

– Jesse Rutledge, Williston, ND

“Karla has done people and career readings for me for a long time now, and knew she was capable of reading animals, but it hadn’t occurred to me to ask.  During a regular reading, I was telling her about my heartbreak regarding the death of Daisy, a dog I lived with and was very close to when I lived in Croatia.  She told me Daisy was happy to be out of her body and that she was met by all her friends when she got to the other side.  She was also enjoying “tubing” from one end of the universe to the other, and was having a blast.  She was no longer in pain and was very happy to be out of a body for a while.  When Karla read Daisy, it brought me great closure.

Karla has also read my dog, Milo, on multiple occasions.  The first time I asked Karla for guidance regarding Milo was when I was going through a breakup and moving to a different city.  Milo had grown up with another dog in our household, and as much as I didn’t want to leave him, I needed to know whether he wanted to stay with his dog friend and my ex, or if he wanted to be with me.  She reassured me that he wanted to be with me.  I asked her on two different occasions just to be sure, and both times, he was very clear that he wanted to go wherever I go.  That reassurance is what helped me to stand my ground in regards to taking him with me.  He enriches my life so much, and I really don’t know how that difficult transition would have been without him.

Every time I get a reading, I ask Karla to check in with Milo to make sure he is doing well.  It makes me feel so good to know that he is healthy and so happy to be with me.“

– Susan Frankovich, PSYCH-K Facilitator, Yoga and Dance Instructor, Reno, NV

”I was so worried and I am so grateful that Karla was able to make me feel better with good news about my kitty.  Unfortunately, she ran away from home, and I can truly say because of Karla I was able to get her back.  She told me all about why she ran away, exactly where she was, and how I could find her.  To hear she was alive and close by made me feel so happy.  She told me the most successful way I would be able to catch her, and one week after speaking with Karla, my kitty was home again!  I am truly grateful for Karla’s assistance in getting my kitty back!”

– K.B., Long Island, NY

”I have known Karla for almost 10 years.  She is loving, intuitive, sensitive and wise.  When my beloved 17 year-old kitty, Paco, became ill last year, her compassionate guidance was invaluable to me.  Her keen insights and clear vision helped me see things from his point of view, which was amazingly comforting to me both before and after his passing in February of 2006.  Karla is warm, sincere, reliable and remarkably perceptive.  I respect her natural talents as well as her years of study and would highly recommend her.”

– Laura Johnson, Math and Science Tutor , Culver City, CA

”Hemlock was my Persian kitty who died one month short of her 21st birthday.  During the last couple of years of her life, her health would go up and down.  On one particular instance, she had an acute episode of feeling and looking horrible.  I thought it was kidney failure as the vet had predicted this might happen.  Karla read Hemlock and told me Hemlock said the problem was her bottom and that her kidneys were just fine.  After an immediate visit to the vet, it turns out that Hemlock did not have kidney failure at all, but that she was, in fact, constipated.  This was easily resolved, and she went on to live another two years, happy and healthy.  It was nearing her 21st birthday, when I had Karla read her again, as she seemed to be finally be succumbing to old age.  Karla told me that Hemlock said she was, indeed, ready to go this time, and it eased my mind enormously to hear that Hemlock would not hold it against me if I put her to sleep.”

– Rosalinda C. Roberts, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Birmingham, AL

”I have Karla read my beautiful, green-eyed, princess kitty, Ashley,  on an almost weekly basis, and I am always amazed how accurate she is, even down my cat’s feelings about people who have come to visit, how Ashley reacted to them and what Ashley has to say about them (which can be extremely revealing!).  What Karla says coincides so precisely with how Ashley treated each person when she was around them.  Karla has also been of immense help in guiding me to the right diet for Ashley, whether there is a medical issue that I need to take her to the vet for, or if it is just a passing thing, and making for a better relationship between Ashley and myself with the communication Ashley is providing through Karla.  It has bonded us so much!”

– Samantha Avery, Physical Therapist, Beverly Hills, CA