
During a private reading with me, many of my clients utilize my Therapy-In-The-Sky technique to intuitively talk to romantic partners, family members, friends or co-workers about things they may not feel comfortable bringing up in person or face-to-face. It’s like creating a virtual 3-way conversation between you, the person you are asking about, and myself, during which, through me, you can ask that person any questions you would like to.

Since I am able to see, feel, hear, and watch everything you are asking about on a movie screen, using my sense-seeing technique, in this same style, I am also able to clairvoyantly call people into my movie screen and talk to them intuitively, read their body language, feel what they are feeling and psychically ask them questions for you.

The people you are asking about are not consciously aware we are talking to them or about them, but subconsciously they might sense something during the time we are having our reading. As a result of this, you might receive a text, a phone call or an email because the person we are intuitively talking to might suddenly think about you and reach out. It’s happened more times than I can count where I’ve been on the phone with a client and the person we are intuitively talking to on the movie screen texts or calls right during the reading!

The benefit of this kind of telepathic, virtual, 3-way communication, or Therapy-In-The-Sky, is to help assist you in understanding your loved ones, romantic partners, friends, family and co-workers better or help yourself understand what your best next step with them might be if you are unsure.

Please feel free to check out the feedback and comments about my people readings from other clients on my Testimonials page.

To book a reading session with me where we utilize the Therapy-In-The-Sky technique, please email me at A 60-minute reading is $95.00 and a 30-minute reading is $53.00. After we set up our appointment time, I will send you guidelines on how to best prepare for your reading, and I will include the phone # to call for our session. To pay for your reading, you may use the “Make Payment” button in the upper right-hand corner of the home page on this website, or, after you email me, I will send you the payment instructions, with options of using either PayPal, Venmo or Apple Pay.

If you have any questions, you may contact me by using the contact page on this website.

Love and light,

Karla Christine